Failed a CPA Section? TAPA Is Here to Help!

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Failing a section of the CPA exam can be frustrating and disappointing. That is why we here at TAPA Institute, are here to help you get back on your feet. At TAPA Institute, we will work with you to create a customized study plan tailored to your strengths  to help you pass every section of your exam.

If you fail a section of the CPA, here are some actions you should take instead of becoming discouraged:


1.      Evaluate your score report.

After you receive your score report, take some time to evaluate it. By evaluating it, you can identify the areas you need to focus more of your attention on. 


2.      Look over your study plan.

After evaluating your score report, look over your study plan to determine where improvements should be made. It is important to make sure that you did not skip concepts or create shortcuts in your study plan that could have contributed to your failing grade.


3.      Evaluate any stressors in your life.

Sometimes internal or external stressors you are dealing with while studying for the exam or  taking the exam, can contribute to your failed attempt at passing a certain section. Take some time to identify any possible stressors. Then, if necessary, you can create solutions to alleviate these stressors before tackling the same section again.


Overall, if you fail a section of the exam, do not be completely discouraged Now at least you have some experience and insight into what this section looks on the actual exam.

If you have failed a section of the exam and you are having trouble improving your study plan on your own, we encourage you to sign up for our tutoring sessions at TAPA Institute. We will work with you to evaluate and assess your strengths and weaknesses to determine where your study plan needs the most improvement. Visit our website,, to learn more about our services or to set up a free consultation. 


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