Sleep and Memory

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Although it is enticing to stay up late binging your favorite Netflix show, it is so important that your body gets the amount of sleep it needs to be productive the next day. As you prepare for your CPA exam, you want to make sure your body is in the best shape to study and retain information. It has been shown that the amount of sleep you get greatly affects your memory and how it functions.

Here are how different amounts of sleep can affect your memory:


1.      Insufficient sleep

If you don’t get enough sleep, which for most people is anything less than 6 hours, your body will be too fatigued to focus properly. Depriving yourself of sufficient sleep affects how you learn new things and can lead to retention decline.


2.      Excessive sleep

If you sleep too much, which for most people is anything over 8 hours, your quality of sleep is probably poor. As a result, you will still feel too fatigued to retain information, affecting your memory once again.


3.      Getting just the right amount

Getting an average of 7 hours of sleep will help your body perform optimally and enhance brain function to retain new information easily and efficiently.


Overall, getting the right amount of sleep is just as important as getting good quality sleep. During good quality sleep, our brain can more easily consolidate our memory, which is essential for learning new information. Here at TAPA Institute, we recognize how important being well-rested is to study effectively.

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