Our Services at TAPA Institute
Do you need some extra help passing your CPA exam? If you do, here at TAPA Institute we are here to help! We have developed services that we guarantee will help you pass your exam as easily and as comfortably as possible. Here is everything you need to know about our services:
Our 1-On-1 Tutoring Sessions
When you sign up for our tutoring sessions, we will first determine where your strengths and weaknesses lie by performing a skills assessment. We then create a customized study plan for you that is tailored to your specific learning style to pass your exam and successfully obtain certification.
Our CPA Boot Camp Seminars
We recommend out boot camp seminars to anyone who is struggling to pass a specific section of their CPA exam. Our boot camps are group sessions designed for individuals attempting to pass the FAR, AUD, REG, or BEC section. Focusing on concept learning, each boot camp is created to give a comprehensive review of a particular section. During these sessions we also make sure to share helpful time management and stress management techniques that our clients can use throughout their studying journey.
Our Hypnotherapy Sessions
Our hypnotherapy sessions are guided meditation sessions that help to reduce stress, improve memory, and increase confidence. Hypnotherapy can also help stimulate the learning process, increase motivation, establish beneficial study habits, and reduce study or exam tension in most people. If you find yourself unable to focus or manage your stress while studying, these hypnotherapy sessions could be the answer to your problem.
TAPA Institute wants to see our clients succeed more than anything else. We promise to dedicate our resources, time, and energy to anyone who utilizes our services to pass their CPA exam. To sign up for any of these services or set up a free 15-minute consultation to learn more, visit our website, www.tapainstitute.com.