CPA Exam Anxiety Management

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Studying for your CPA is often a huge stressor. Because of this, one of the main skills we try to build with our clients at TAPA Institute is stress management. If you ever want to pass your examination, you must learn how to manage your stress as well as learn the material.

A technique we share with all our clients to relieve stress is meditation.

Meditation is important to help focus your mind and concentrate on studying for your exam. Meditation will help you mentally recharge and focus on the present and help to physically reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. It is also very helpful with information recall and memorization. Here at TAPA Institute, we make sure to remind our clients to take a few moments to themselves every day to close their eyes and breathe deeply to recharge.

Another way to manage anxiety is to keep a positive mind. It is important to not get discouraged on your journey to passing your examination. If you find yourself getting upset or discouraged, go take a walk outside or exercise. Remembering to engage in physical activity is important when studying. Studying often confines you to one area of your room or home, keeping you cooped up for long periods of time, and it is important to make sure you are moving and being active.

If you find that you are struggling on your own to study for your exam and manage your stress, we here at TAPA Institute can help! Our boot camp seminars are preparation sessions that help you to study for your exam while also learning stress management techniques. To set up a free consultation or to sign up for our boot camps, visit our website,


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