Understanding Yourself to Pass Your CPA Exam

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At TAPA Institute we know that to pass your CPA examination, you first must understand yourself and your personal study habits. Learning is not one-size-fits-all, so study techniques that work for you may not work for somebody else, and vice versa. Because learning is different for everybody, you must first evaluate what works best for you and then incorporate those strengths into your study process.

If you are a physical learner, creating flashcards or rewriting concepts and notes will help you to understand and study the material thoroughly. If you are more of an auditory learner, reading notes aloud will help you to memorize information more easily. You can also work with a tutor or a friend to ask questions back and forth so you can listen to the answers audibly. Lastly, if you are more of a visual learner, presentations and videos will likely be the most helpful for you to learn from. By determining your learning style, you can better understand yourself and better utilize your strengths in your study techniques.

At TAPA Institute, we understand the importance of learning styles and that is why it is part of our mission to create a customized study plan for each of our clients for them to be successful in passing their examinations. To set up a free consultation with us, visit our website, www.tapainstitute.com, where we will work one-on-one with you to make sure you achieve your goals of passing! 


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