Five reasons why my students pass their certification exams - part 5: Intangibles – “secret sauce”

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5. Intangibles – “secret sauce”

So, we’ve run through the first four parts of this five-part series; personalized study plan, understanding the student’s learning style, encouraging concept mastery and knowing when the candidate is ready to take the test. Like in most complex undertakings there are “intangibles” involved in successfully achieving certification. These include the following:  

  1. Working with support systems for success,

  2. Sticking to the plan,

  3. Taking a break as needed, and

  4. Learning how to de-stress in preparation for the exam.

Support systems are usually family, workplace colleagues and friends. Letting them know of the need to be focused on preparing for the exam is tremendously important. When supporters understand the need for studying on a regular schedule, it makes it easier for them to be supportive. At the workplace, it is possible that there is a requirement for a certification as part of employment. Letting them know general information – but not specific dates – about exams is all you need. Friends should also just be given general information so that there is no additional pressure generated by their questions.

Agreeing to, and committing to follow through, on the study plan is critical. It is a means to becoming self-reliant and self-confident to achieve goals. Only the student can make this critical commitment for a successful preparation phase. Alternatively, this commitment doesn’t mean never relaxing or taking some time off. The brain will need to refresh at times, and this should be included in the study plan.

Finally, there are times when stress levels get higher than normal and some effort must be made to recharge. Mindfulness techniques are extremely helpful in reducing stress. Techniques such as meditation, yoga, hypnosis and exercise are all useful for the student to manage stress because a stressed mind will struggle with retention.

Hopefully there is something in one or all of these articles on passing certification exams that you can put to use in your situation. There is no cookie-cutter way of proceeding on this journey; you must work with someone who is experienced in putting all the pieces of the jigsaw together for you.

At we are ready to help. Go to our website to set up a free consultation today!


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